Article 2.- The purpose of the Chamber (or Association) shall be:
a) To promote the activity of those companies and/or institutions engaged in verification, inspection, certification and control, in all its varieties, where the responsibility of witnessing facts corresponding to actions of third parties in the field of commerce is assumed, having as reference technical and/or regulatory standards or contractual obligations or requirements that bind such third parties.
b) To promote the hierarchization of the activities described above.
c) To represent its associates before the authorities of the country and abroad and before the individuals, supporting the steps of those related to the activity that concerns us.
d) To promote the improvement of the legal framework that regulates the aforementioned activities, collaborating with the authorities for the improvement of the respective laws.
e) To promote and disseminate the importance of quality, with the purpose of improving the competitiveness and reliability of the products and services of Argentina.
f) To promote congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, events and publications for the better knowledge and dissemination of the activity mentioned in a).
g) To promote the exchange of information with public institutions and private organizations related to the activity, both national and foreign, with the purpose of generating stable links with them.
h) To constitute and/or participate in associations, foundations, NGOs, academic institutions and any other legal entity of any kind, whenever the objective is contained in the previous paragraphs.
i) To avoid unfair practices within the scope of action of the associates, being able to build arbitration tribunals to settle conflicts or collaborate in the resolution of the same:
1) Represent its associates in matters of common interest, before the national, provincial and municipal authorities, in order to petition or promote the development of policies that stimulate the improvement of the attributes of products and services of the country or simply to make known the point of view of the entity in defense of the interests of its associates.
2) To provide its associates, free of charge, with technical and professional advice on the problems of the sector.
3) To act as arbitrator, when so requested by its associates, for the purpose of settling disputes that may arise among them.
4) To issue, on a non-profit basis, publications (brochures, magazines) or communications (Internet or others) strictly related to the activity of the sector.
5) To promote the development of professionals and/or technicians that make possible a greater efficiency in the tasks included in the activities of the sector.
6) To promote the use and to participate in campaigns of diffusion and/or publicity in order to spread the importance of the activity.
7) To constitute arbitration tribunals to settle conflicts, to act as mediators or to collaborate in the solution thereof, with the purpose of avoiding the development of unfair practices within the scope of action of its associates.
8) To promote and/or participate in technical and regulatory studies of any kind, related to the activity of its associates.
9) To carry out any type of management or actions that make possible and/or favor the fulfillment of the purposes of the entity, as long as they do not harm or affect the legitimate interests of its associates.
-All that is expressed in this section is only enunciative and does not limit the capacities and actions that the entity may undertake.-